Master CraftsMon

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, February 27, 2006 at about 11pm CST - Segment 5

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, February 27, 2006 at about 11pm CST - Segment 5

Newt Gingrich has a new book called Winning the Future: 21st Century Contract with America. Newt is setting himself up to be the next President of the United States. The Presidential election starts this fall after the November elections.

In his book, Newt lays out five things that need to be done to make America a better place. Each of the five is layed out in the context of trying to harden America to fight a long term war.

The first says, "We must commit to a long war to defeat the terrorists and tyrants who would destroy America." The problem with that goal is that we have a huge number of people in this country who cannot and will not believe that we are at war. The cartoon jihad should have awakened everyone, but that is not the case.

The question then becomes, "Are we at war with the Irreconcilables?" If the answer for you is that we are not at war, then Newt is just nuts. I have been stating as fact that we are in a war with the Irreconcilables that will span a 30-50 year period. Newt has also come to that conclusion. Some of the people in this country particularly those on the, DailyKos and democratic Underground web sites are convinced that undermining the President will achieve some positive goal. What that goal is, I cannot fathom. We cannot appease the Irreconcilables. We must defeat them.

The second goal in Newt Gingrich's book is "We must reestablish that our rights come from the Creator and that an America that has driven God out of the public arena is an America on the way to decay and defeat." If we are in a religious war, then we have to make our religious life better or the Irreconcilables will win in the end. This is just self evident to me. If you honestly believe that the worst threats to America come from evangelical Christians passing judgement and exhorting people to better than they are, then you have your priorities screwed up. If we drive out all religion, the Irreconcilables will be happy to fill the void. Such a thought is very strange, but children seek certainty. In the void caused by a lack of all religions Islam could become attractive to them.

The third goal of the 21st Century Contract with America is "We must insist on a patriotic immigration and patriotic education based on classic American history and the wisdom of the Founding Fathers and Abraham Lincoln." I find this one kind of interesting because it flies in the face of multiculturalism. For years people have been saying that if our children are raised viewing America as an evil in the world then how can we defend ourselves against the media war that the Irreconcilables have launched against us.

The fourth goal Newt Gingrich sets is "We must transform our domestic institutions in order to harness modern science and technology to create jobs, wealth and lead the world economy into the 21st century." The efficiencies that can be realized by technology have not filtered into all aspects of our lives, particularly the practice of medicine and our government. Despite what you might think, we have just scratched the surface in many new fields like nanotechnology and the implications derived from the Human Genome project. There is an old Chinese curse. It goes, "May you live in interesting times." We are cursed to live in interesting times. We either adapt or we go under. Technology is another way of wiping the Irreconcilables out.

The final goal is "We must establish the opportunities for a personal Social Security account, a portable pension account and a personal health savings account, so that the wealth we create during our working lives is wealth we control." This is one of the scariest ones for most people, because too many people are used to the government taking care of these functions. I personally feel that government should only do those things that private enterprise cannot or will not do. Why is the government doing any of these functions? Private enterprise can and will provide these services. Why is the government providing them? I don't know the answer to that question. I know for a fact that private enterprise could do a better job.

I went over these five goals because they are the basis for Newt Ginrich's run for the Presidency in 2008. If he does not run, they will still be the basis for the Republican agenda for the next decade or so.

Well, that is about all I have to say tonight. I will turn everything over to MacKinzie Pequa the Third now. She will entertain you for the rest of the night with an eclectic mix of music.

Come on Mac you can do it.


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