Master CraftsMon

Monday, December 24, 2007

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 24, 2007 at about 11pm CST

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 24, 2007 at about 11pm CST


KEOS 89.1 FM College Station.

And you have aRandomTexan. You can call me "a".

In the weather tonight, we have a temperature of _______
outside our studios at 202 E. Carson in Bryan.

Tonight, we could have Clear Skies with no chance of rain in the
forecast with a low of 34.
Tomorrow, Tuesday,
***Later on today, Tuesday,
we are supposed to have a high of 64 and a low of 43 with
Sunny Skies and 10% chance of rain.
Wednesday we can expect a high of 56 and a low of 33 with
Morning Showers and 30% Chance of rain.
Thursday maybe we can expect Partly Cloudy Skies and 20% chance of rain.
Look for a high of 59 and a low of 44.

Segment 1:
KEOS 89.1 FM College Station.

You are listening to the
Master CraftsMon, a program of debate and then
social activism from the Right. On this program we
will be exploring how to use the Internet as a means
of gathering resources to affect positive social
change in a community.

For I am but a voice from the velvet black calling to you across the
gulf of our mutual incomprehension.
I decided not to get involved in Christmas this year.

*** Individual Taste ***
*** Why is it correct behavior for a minority to enforce its will on the
majority? ***
*** A Minister talked about 88% of the people not objecting to Creches or
minoras ***
*** The same minister told the story of the early debates about Christianity
in the late 1800's and early 1900's. Transformative power of Christianity
Could the debater find 100 people who had been transformed by Atheism?
Could find none. ***
To All My Democrat Family and Friends:

Please accept with no obligation, implied or implicit, my best wishes for an environmentally conscious, socially responsible, low-stress, non-addictive, gender-neutral celebration of the winter solstice holiday, practiced within the most enjoyable traditions of the religious persuasion of your choice, or secular practices of your choice, with respect for the religious/secular persuasion and/or traditions of others, or their choice not to practice religious or secular traditions at all. I also wish you a fiscally successful, personally fulfilling and medically uncomplicated recognition of the onset of the generally accepted calendar year 2008, but not without due respect for the calendars of choice of other cultures whose contributions to society have helped make America great. Not to imply that America is necessarily greater than any other country nor the only America in the Western Hemisphere. Also, this wish is made without regard to the race, creed, color, age, physical ability, religious faith or sexual
preference of the wishee.

To All My Republican Family and Friends:

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

*** When did Christmas become such a big political issue? ***

Do I think Liberals have a case? Is it wrong that 20% of the populus is in
relative poverty? If I could be convinced that this was a chronic condition
where 20% of the populus stays in poverty forever, then that would be a
major problem. Liberals will not accept that 20% of the populus at some point
in their lives are in relative poverty.

*** Expound on Relative vs Absolute Poverty ***
*** Just because I do not want the government to do something, does not mean
that I do not want it done at all. ***
I perceive that the government has gotten too big. I perceive that the various
social agencies need to be carved out of the government and made service clubs
with an endowment.

I cannot figure out how this would be done, but I believe that the government
should do that, because the government cannot effectively do social programs.

*** Either the programs have worked or they have not. How do you measure and
how do you determine what is the truth? If all truth is just an opinion how
can you determine whether a program is achiving the goals that have been set
for it?***
*** EXPOUND ***
What irritates me about all this is that all the aguments have been made. All
the positions have been set in stone. Neither side will budge, because
idiologically both sides are convinced that they are correct.

Have the policies of the Democratic Party achived the goals they have set
themselves? If they have, great. If they have not, should they not get out of
the way and let the Republicans try to solve the problems facing the nation?

***Describe the Statue of Justice: Blindfold, scales and sword.***

Why does it make sense to use the Sword of Justice to force people to do
things without weighing the options? Because you feel you are correct?
Why does that make sense?

*** Conservatives know the cost of everything but the value of nothing. ***

Without weighing the costs, how can you get a just result? Should we spend
$10B to clean up a toxic waste dump or $10B to upgrade a 911 response system?
How many lives are going to be saved doing one or the other? If you say that
each life has an infinite value, then you ask for perfection.

Perfection is unattainable. If you stand on your high horse and demand
perfection, you put yourself in an unassailable position without solving or
even amiliorating the problem. All you do is make yourself feel good.

*** EXPOUND on perfection. Utopian dreams vs Reality. ***

If you ask the question: "What can be done to lessen a social problem instead
of alleviate it?" You come to a situation where positive change can be
implemented. By asking for a cure you encourage nihilism and pessimism.

Monday, December 17, 2007

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 17, 2007 at about 11pm CST

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 17, 2007 at about 11pm CST

* Evolution
* Hillary is no longer inevitable
* Animes - Do your best mantra

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 10, 2007 at about 11pm CST

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 10, 2007 at about 11pm CST


KEOS 89.1 FM College Station.

And you have aRandomTexan. You can call me "a".

In the weather tonight, we have a temperature of _______
outside our studios at 202 E. Carson in Bryan.

Tonight, we could have Drizzle in a bit with 30% chance of rain in the
forecast with a low of 53.
Tomorrow, Tuesday,
***Later on today, Tuesday,
we are supposed to have a high of 79 and a low of 59 with
Scattered Thunder Storms and 30% chance of rain.
Wednesday we can expect a high of 61 and a low of 43 with
Thunder Storms and 60% Chance of rain.
Thursday maybe we can expect Partly Cloudy Skies and 10% chance of rain.
Look for a high of 61 and a low of 48.

Segment 1:
KEOS 89.1 FM College Station.

You are listening to the
Master CraftsMon, a program of debate and then
social activism from the Right. On this program we
will be exploring how to use the Internet as a means
of gathering resources to affect positive social
change in a community.

For I am but a voice from the velvet black calling to you across the
gulf of our mutual incomprehension.
We shall speak of heresy tonight.

*Re-iterate the goal of program. The goals here were to cut down on the need
for "face time". - No one commented on the last program. - Why should they?
Why should you?*

*Explain Baka*

*Talk about Occam's Razor*

*Give example of ice storm vs water truck then liquid nitrogen*

Liberalism has failed to achieve its goals using the methods developed by
Franklin Delano Rossevelt.

80% of the people in this country are in the middle class. 20% are in need.
Isn't that fantastic? Isn't that something to celebrate? It's not perfect,
but it's better than ANY civilization in the history of the world has
achieved. In most civilizations the top 1% have everything that is good in
life and the rest of the people are abjectly poor lacking even the basics of
food, clothing and shelter.

Liberalism is based on the need for 100%. If a system does not 100% of the
needs of a people, then the system is immoral. Or so it is supposed.

If you examine the 20%, you find that the 20% failure rate is not the same
20% of people forever. This is simply a phase in their life. If you define
poverty as lacking enough food, clothing and shelter, then the failure rate
in the U.S. is less than 3%. How do you define failure and how you define
perfect? That should be the correct debate. Or should it?

*Perfection in space and in time discussion - fashion, necessity and
the environment where the people live.*

*The need for a cure for social pathigens. Cure--- what does that mean?*

*JFK's inaugrial address in 1961*
*Groundhog Day - double digits in theological dissertations could go to
hundreds - perfectibility of man - Perfection is in space and time*

Friedrich August von Hayek wrote "The Road to Serfdom".

You cannot have a collectivist government without a totalitarian government.
Why? People don't like their stuff stolen by the government.
*The college Scam - Examine IQ - why do you need four years to train someone*
*Eugenics movement and why it failed - 140 IQ woman marries 140 IQ man - baby
not 140 IQ*

"negro project margaret sanger"
The rest of this was from a fever dream I had.

*Why are we here and where are we going? - replicate Earth's biosphere
elsewhere, because we are the only species on earth who can.*

*Naked girl running across campus in a flowing black cape and a catwoman mask
- random event*

*Pureblood vs Mongrel*

Monday, December 03, 2007

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 2, 2007

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 2, 2007 at about 11pm CST


KEOS 89.1 FM College Station.

And you have aRandomTexan. You can call me "a".

In the weather tonight, we have a temperature of _______
outside our studios at 202 E. Carson in Bryan.

Tonight, we could have Clear Skies with no chance of rain in the
forecast with a low of 33.
Tomorrow, Tuesday,
***Later on today, Tuesday,
we are supposed to have a high of 67 and a low of 44 with
Sunny Skies and 10% chance of rain.
Wednesday we can expect a high of 74 and a low of 49 with
Sunny Skies and 10% Chance of rain.
Thursday maybe we can expect Partly Cloudy Skies and no chance of rain.
Look for a high of 74 and a low of 58.

Segment 1:
KEOS 89.1 FM College Station.

You are listening to the
Master CraftsMon, a program of debate and then
social activism from the Right. On this program we
will be exploring how to use the Internet as a means
of gathering resources to affect positive social
change in a community.

For I am but a voice from the velvet black calling to you across the
gulf of our mutual incomprehension.
We shall speak of heresy tonight.

I'm not taking any calls tonight. Last week was interesting, but this is not
what I set this program up for.

Hubris. **Expound**

Streaming was supposed to get this done. With only 30 people listening, can I
get anything done? I do not think so.

A guy here at KEOS made it clear that you do not want to DO, you want to
listen and be entertained. That's not what I want. Life is a full contact
The Melancholy Of Haruhi Suzumiya
She stands up and says as a transfer student that she wants to meet
espers, time travelers and aliens from another planet.

She is a complete babe, but is unapproachable. He starts obsessing on her.

* Scrunchie in her hair - color

So he strikes up her conversation

The old part of the school is where the clubs are.
Define Baka... To act stupidly or to be mistaken stupidly in the face of
contrary data.
Karl Marx was a Parasite. Borrowed money without any intention of paying it
back. He was in essence the equivalent of a mistress for Frederich Engels.
He supported himself as a writer, but was never paid much... A vast injustice
by his standards. Wordsmiths were the ones who should be at the top of
society, not capitalists.

Human nature is mutable and the New Man is possible.

50000 years ago 3000 humans existed on the East coast of Africa who are the
ancesters of all humans alive today. That is the best guess at this moment.
Slavery has been around since forever. Guess when the last nation outlawed
slavery... Saudi Arabia 1963.

What if Europe had never existed OR what if Europe had been wiped out by the
plague in 541 or 1347? Would slavery have disappeared? That's baka. Britain
outlawed slavery in 1830 and started pushing hard for its eradication in 1840.
The United States joined the battle after the Civil War. Slavery would still
exist were it not for the Dead White Males. Saying anything else is baka to
Jim Crow is probably the worst portion of our history in the United States,
because it was pecularly American idea. 1890-1964.

Damages the aether of the community.

o It had to have laws backing it up. We knew after the Civil War that this
type of behavior was immoral. **EXPOUND USING Following**

o It served no one any good. It just looked that way.
o forestalled mechanization
o Forestalled investment in the South
o Stand with the Nazi or not.

o The Sun Belt was born.
JFK's inaugrial speech of 1961.

High IQ does not make you superior or inferior. There is no correlation
between success in life and IQ. This is heresy. **EXPOUND**

James Watson, 1962 Nobel prize for being co-discoverer of DNA, made some conroversial remarks about Blacks in Africa.

The 79-year-old geneticist said he was “inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa” because “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really.". He said he hoped that everyone was equal, but countered that “people who have to deal with black employees find this not true”.

He says that you should not discriminate on the basis of colour, because “there are many people of colour who are very talented, but don’t promote them when they haven’t succeeded at the lower level”. He writes that “there is no firm reason to anticipate that the intellectual capacities of peoples geographically separated in their evolution should prove to have evolved identically. Our wanting to reserve equal powers of reason as some universal heritage of humanity will not be enough to make it so”.

He claimed genes responsible for creating differences in human intelligence could be found within a decade.

***Nature vs Nuture***
o Lots of food when young
o Choose for intellect
o Wait

November 26, 2007
Have You Bashed a White Male Today?
By Kyle-Anne Shiver
While I was a teenager and still enthralled with my own generation, the Boomers, I truly believed that we were heralding a new and better human nature. We were going to stamp out prejudice, discrimination, and every other foul practice in the hemisphere. No more bashing folks of color. No more negative stereotyping for females. No more blonde jokes, fat jokes, handicap jokes, divorce jokes, gay jokes or Polish jokes. Human nature be damned. We could all be nice to each other if we tried hard enough, if we just had enough determination.

Here we are forty years later, and it seems to me that all we've really accomplished is an exchange of all of our old prejudices for a new one. The demographic group that now gets it full on the chin at every turn, in every public sphere, is the lone, white male. Christians, especially the Catholic Church, are also an approved target, but that topic is for another article.

So we haven't gotten any better as human beings. We simply changed targets. And almost the only ones among us left with bull's-eyes upon their heads are the white males.

I happen to have quite a fondness for these guys. My father and grandfathers were white males. I have a white male twin brother. I've been married to a white male for 37 years. I count a number of these guys as friends and neighbors. So, it just doesn't sit right with me when, almost everywhere I turn, I see the guys I love most getting their stuffings beaten out in jokes, television commercials, movies, books - heck, all over the place. It's so PC, you know.

Nowadays white males are stereotyped in movies and ads as either beer-guzzling, practically illiterate rednecks or as overly sensitized, emasculated wimps. One would be hard put to find a good, old-fashioned, John-Wayne type male anywhere but on Spike TV. My husband claims he needs to watch Spike occasionally just to remind himself that it's still somewhat okay to be masculine in public.

But I had better fess up myself a bit here, or that husband of mine will call me a "lying hypocrite" behind closed doors. I have, on a scant few occasions, used my protected status as a female to either pick fights with men or win them, especially when in the company of other females. Okay, it's been more than a few times, but far less than a thousand. And I plan to give it up this year for Lent. Really.

Bashing white males with impunity is every bit as un-Christian as all the other generalized bashing. Racism. Sexism. Homophobia. Etcetera, etcetera.

When it comes to the white guys, the one thing that seems to have escaped our notice, though, is that if not for all of our white-male ancestors, there wouldn't be much of a civilization here for the rest of us to climb aboard. These men get bashed up and down, day in and day out, for shutting out people of color and women, for not allowing them to take any of the leadership roles. But that's only one way of looking at it.

The other way would be to pat these guys heartily on the back, and give kudos where kudos are due.

The fact is that the world was quite different 2 and 3 centuries ago. Slavery was an institution that stretched back to Biblical times, without skipping a beat, and was rampant around the world. The British and the United States led the abolition movement for the rest of the western world, and is still on the front lines in the battle to eradicate the last vestiges of the dastardly evil. The truth is that white males did not invent the institution of slavery, but they were the first to abolish it. That ought to count for something.

Many American white men were willing to fight and die in a bloody civil war, fought largely over slavery. And many more gave up segregation without resorting to another all out war. Those things wouldn't be anything to brag about in a perfect world, but perfect this world has never been. And I think we ought to take at least some pride in seeing black men and white men, and black women and white women standing shoulder-to-shoulder in every profession. That's not a shabby accomplishment within a single generation.

Our men marched this country in a steadily advancing civilization, from an agrarian society, to an industrial one, to a high-tech one, in which the jobs requiring rigorous physical labors, to which men were far better suited, have become outnumbered by positions requiring more brains than brawn. Because of that, more than the feminist movement, women are able to participate much more fully in the workplace than ever before in history. If our civilization had not made that leap, and provided so many ingenious inventions that cut so much time and labor from homemaking chores, women would probably still be largely left out, simply because of our natural physical limits. I say we ought to celebrate our men for such a huge accomplishment. Certainly no other poeple in history have done as much.

Now before I get an inbox avalanche of complaints, let me state for the record that I understand as well as anyone that the white guys didn't just roll over and throw down the red carpet for all the people of color and us women to join in holding the reins of power in this country. There was quite a bit of nudging, some of it pretty forceful.

However, there was no outright war. And put into a historical perspective, American white guys stand heads and shoulders above their foreign counterparts and predecessors.

So, from now on, before you bash a white male, stop to think about the other side of the coin, and ask yourself this:

If not for all those white guys who conceived of this Nation, who built it, fought for it, protected it, developed all of those inventions that brought progress and a greater standard of living to more people than any civilization in history, where would the rest of us be? Perhaps not all that well off.

Instead of bashing the white guys, we all ought to be thanking them, and get on with making an even better America. So, I say, don't bash a white guy today. Buy that man a beer!


I tried to state that the man was mistaken, then I got sidetracked.

Who has this guy been dealing with in his career ***EXPOUND***

Why is this view so awful?

Too much IQ is debilitating.

**EXPOUND on public policy based on bad data**