Master CraftsMon

Friday, November 25, 2005

So We Begin

Master CraftsMon was approved last week. I have spent this week dithering. I feel like the dog who caught the car, i.e. what will he do with the car?

This week, I went through the Dark Prince and redid the spellcheck. I am not sure I caught all the spelling errors, because some of the words are neologisms that use the run together feature that a lot of expressions consist of nowadays, e.g. flipflop. Yesterday, Thanksgiving, I spent the day changing the Foreword of the Dark Prince, because it did not exactly express the changes I have seen in the last year of its writing. The Dark Prince covers the end of March, 2004 and part of April, 2004.

As I say in the Foreword, Dark Prince is the first in a series of books. I finished the second book in the series this last month. How I Spent My Summer Vacation... Really... That's What Happened covers the summer of 2004 through a series of flashbacks from the first week of school in the Fall of 2004. I have not put it out on the web yet. I want to see what the response is from Dark Prince before I go forward.

I've been having problems with my sleep cycle since my illness a few years back. The perirectal abscess left me with a scar that could be mistaken for a closed off rectum along with a scar on my belly where the colostomy was. I like to say that God was kicking me in the ass to get me to get on with it, whatever IT is. I have assumed it is the program, Master CraftsMon, but one can never tell. Throughout my life I have floated. I am very competent, so I never have had to work real hard to acquire food. clothing and shelter. My friends and family have always found my lifestyle to be too weird. I live like a college student. Well, why not? I live within walking distance from Texas A&M. Sbisa, one of the school's cafeteria, provides haute cuisine by my standards.

Anyway. It is early in the morning, or it was when I got up. Like I said, I cannot seem to get a constant sleep cycle. A fog has rolled in. You don't see many here in College Station. It's kind of a wimpy fog. I mean, it doesn't obscure everything out to a couple of feet. This one has a visibility of about 100 feet.

Today, I need to update my web site and get this blog into shape for the first program on Monday. I am in a quandry as to how to make the web site look good. I may do a bleg to improve it at some point in time.

I have to run up to KEOS at 1400 today, Friday, and stay there until 1900 (2-7pm for you nonradio people).

Ah, well, it is time to get on with it.


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