Master CraftsMon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST - Segment 8

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST
Segment 8

You know... too many people believe that benefits from companies are a right. The company is backing you. The company is doing these great things for you. In actuality, the company when it gives you benefits is deciding for you how to spend your money. Benefits are part of your salary package. You pay taxes on benefits.

I think benefits are a stupid idea. Whether you know it or not benefits are a solution to a problem that no longer exists. During World War II, there were wage and price controls. Companies came up with the idea of benefits to get around the wage controls.

The problem companies are having is that the benefits have gotten out of hand.

I think there should be a company to handle your insurance, pension and other financial matters. Your employer should then put your salary into this company's hands and that company would get the best group insurance rates available for you. It should invest in a pension fund for you. Instead of the company paying your withholding taxes, this financial company should do that for you. If we could just get social security privatized, then this type of company would take care of that for you. With this idea for a financial company, an individual would have their pension safe from their employers going under and they could move their pension from employer to employer. It also allows a person working for a small business to have the advantages of working at a huge company. You see a large employer can get the best rates on insurance and other services. A large financial company like I have described could do that as well.

The question then becomes: does the government have a right to ask you to establish a pension plan, so that when you grow old, you are not a drag on the community? That is one of the questions I wish to debate. I want to start a company like this to make it possible for companies to offload their benefits programs. I mean, why are employers in the financial business? Shouldn't you have a specialist handle your finances? Something to think about.


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