Master CraftsMon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, January 2, 2006 at about 11pm CST - Segment 8

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, January 2, 2006 at about 11pm CST
Segment 8

All right let's look at divorce.

That was Bud by Stan Swiniarski.

Okay. It's a silly song. Good ol' Stan didn't have one about kids, so I used this one instead.

Divorce is a bad idea for children. The accepted thinking is that since each of us should be optimizing our happiness, the feelings of the children should be... ignored. I've even seen studies that try to make the point that divorce is good for children. I don't believe it. Again, it has to do with stability. If a child grows up thinking that there can be no one that they can commit to, then society is harmed, because if a child cannot commit to a human being, he or she cannot commit to a profession and cannot become the best. It's all related. Our society has downplayed the importance of excellence. If we do not accept that self-denial and putting off self-gratification is a good idea, then we cannot have a high tech society.

As I have said before, when you give an oath to Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness, inevitably your oath becomes an excuse to pursue pleasure at the expense of society as a whole. In the past, government, the church, charities and the community as a whole defined what acceptable behavior was. We used shame and shunning to keep people from destructive behavior. The book, The Scarlet Letter, showed how a community, in essence, branded a woman as an adulterer. That woman then became a warning to all spouses that adultery was a bad idea because of the consequences. Today, adultery is laughed at. It is no longer a sin, it is no longer bad behavior, it is no longer even much criticized... Except when the guy or woman who has a cheating spouse decides to get a divorce rather than accept that type of behavior. Adultery is a sign of a lack of commitment.

Liberals always use the phrase, "For the children." a whole bunch, but the problem is that they are talking about children as a concept, not as real breathing human beings. When confronted with the consequences of allowing a high divorce rate and allowing adultery to go unpunished, Liberals inevitably look for some way to excuse the self-destructive behavior.

An entertainer has had a child out of wedlock. She married. She divorces. Big deal. She is rich. Her child will be well taken care of and will not be a burden to anyone. Yet her behavior sends the message that there are no consequences with either single parenthood or divorce. That's crazy. Of course there are consequences. Except they do not happen to rich people... Or do they? Of course there are consequences, it is just not as evident as when a person is poor. People who start out in poverty and have a child out of wedlock do not have much of a chance of getting married. The child is a drain on any chance of them bettering themselves. The cycle repeats itself until one of the children volunteers to put off sex until finding a spouse. Over and over the litany is said, "Put off having children until you are married, finish high school, get a job, any job, learn from the job, get a better job, stay married. In five years your combined family income puts you in the middle class." If you go to college, then you enter the middle class when you graduate. Why is that so complicated? Well, too many people have been told that poverty is caused by society, thus they must wait for society to change. I have said that before on this program.

It boils down to one thing: marriage is a good idea. Divorce for light and transient reasons is a bad idea. It hurts children and makes it impossible for the children of divorce to trust much of anyone. Why is that a good thing?


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