Master CraftsMon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, January 2, 2006 at about 11pm CST - Segment 9

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, January 2, 2006 at about 11pm CST
Segment 9

All right let's look at another aspect of marriage and divorce.

That was Learnin' To Love by Stan Swiniarski.

Marriage is supposed to be a fantastic deal for men and an awful deal for womyn. At least that is the conventional wisdom right now. Like a lot of conventional wisdom put out by feminists, it's untrue. At the 80% level women are better off being married than unmarried. A married woman is less likely to be abused. A married woman is less likely to live in poverty. A married woman lives longer. BUT we are not training our children to BE married. We are training them to pursue happiness. We are not telling girls that they are better off inside a marriage than outside. We are not telling boys that marriage is better than being alone.

In the song, the woman stays married for 35 years and then gets dumped. What a stupid thing to do. Yet it is becoming more common. People get to be fifty or so, the children are grown, so they seek a new life. The story I am getting is that either the woman or the man in a marriage determine that their marriage is boring. They dump their spouse because they are convinced that they can find something more exciting to fill the end of their life. Again, I find that very stupid, but cannot at the moment determine why it hurts society. From stories I have seen, the women in that situation suddenly have a drop in wealth compared to the men. You always hear about how the woman cleans the man out during the divorce. That doesn't count. It's the earnings potential. If the guy walks away, then the woman has to pay all the bills with an income that may be nonexistent. She gets all these assets from the guy during the divorce, but so what? It just means that she's either going to have to increase her income or start selling off assets.

The woman in the story found a new life. It doesn't say what the guy did.

Again, all of this is about the fact that our society has adopted dating rituals that do not prepare children for marriage. I am not sure that the dating rituals were ever correct. We have become so wealthy that we do not have to do anything we do not want to. We have to be convinced to volunteer. Why volunteer when you do not know what the consequences of not volunteering entail?


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