Master CraftsMon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, January 2, 2006 at about 11pm CST - Segment 7

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, January 2, 2006 at about 11pm CST - Segment 7

Let me show you something interesting about the concept of Home.

That was I'm Home by Stan Swiniarski.

Marriage as an institution is a good idea. The problem we have been having is that too many people refuse to compromise in a marriage situation. And the question then becomes, why should anyone compromise in a marriage? The thinking in popular culture is that the pursuit of pleasure is so central to living that if you are not having fun inside your marriage, then why stay married? Think about how the man in the song felt. His wife couldn't stand the cold winters in the town he grew up in. She wanted out. He agreed to move rather than risk his marriage. Why doesn't that happen more often? It's simple. We as a nation have become so wealthy that we have forgotten that self-denial and self-discipline is the only way to keep a high tech society going.

Just as in marriage, a society has to compromise as well. The Left and the Right in this country have started engaging in factional fighting. James Madison in the Federalist Paper number 10 warns that factional fighting can be the death of a democracy, because one of the factions can stop using political tools to fight and start using violence. The reason democracies work, when they work, is because they substitute stylized violence for real violence. We have floor fights in our Congress. So what? It's all sound and fury signifying nothing. In the end the sides in a debate compromise... Except there is wretchedly little compromise at the present moment. The Democrats' policies have failed to achieve their intended goals. In a democracy that means that the Republicans should be given the opportunity to try to succeed with a new set of policies while the Democrats contribute by offering constructive criticism. That hasn't happened. If you listen to the rhetoric coming out of the Democratic party, you find that the leaders like Howard Dean and Nancy Peloci are saying, "We have not failed. Our policies are so morally superior to Republican policies that even if they might have failed (and we do not admit that they have), our policies have to be continued." If you listen to almost any of the shows that KEOS buys, Democracy Now!, Free Speech Radio News, even The World, you hear people crying that America has gone crazy to elect Republicans. They are convinced that, if they simply hold firm, people will come to their senses and vote for the Democratic Party.

That's not the case, the policies of the Democratic Party have failed. We as a nation were promised that poverty would be eliminated if the government provided food. clothing and shelter to the poor. Poverty has not been eliminated by doing that. In fact, poverty has become more widespread and harsher. Before the poor in this country were told that if they worked hard they could achieve the middle class in one generation. The Democratic Party said that to the poor that their poverty was caused by society, so the poor could never get out of poverty whatever they did. Individual responsibility for poverty was downplayed. By changing the paradigm from the individual being responsible for being in poverty to society being responsible, people give up trying to better themselves. Think of what that means. If society is responsible for poverty, then it is useless for the poor to try to better themselves until society changes. What do they do in the meantime. I mean, if they have to wait for society to change, what actions should the poor be taking to better themselves? The answer is of course, nothing.

Surely you have had to wait for something to happen. Don't you remember how boring it was? Well, what if the waiting stretched into years. Years of idleness while you wait for someone to come save you. Can you imagine how debilitating that would be? And that is what you see.

Our problem as a society is that our poor have been sold on the idea that they cannot get out of poverty without government help, but the government help cannot get them out of poverty. We are creating a permanent underclass, because of that.

Aht, we have gone far afield from marriage to the relationship between the Democratic Party and the Republicans, but I wanted to point out that in a relationship, any relationship there comes a point where you have to admit that the other side is right and that you are wrong. In the song, the guy admitted that his wife was right and then found reasons for agreeing with her. At the same time, he made her realize that his position was an honorable one. He gave the reasons why he wanted to stay, so she could understand why he wanted to stay.

The Democratic Party refuses to ask why Republicans think the way they do AND they refuse to acknowledge that the positions taken by Republicans MIGHT be honorable. That flight from reality is very destructive, because we all have to live in this country.

In the song the woman has said that she hates the climate. She has said that the town is no longer a good place to raise children. The guy lists all the good memories he has of his hometown and then admits that the town has decayed to the point that they have to move for them to achieve their goals.

We as a nation have to move on. All the forms of Communism have been proved beyond a reasonable doubt to have failed. Why are some of us holding onto a failed philosophy? Here is why I say that. Where are the good memories of Communism, Socialism and Liberalism? Are you getting that? Why haven't the Liberals come out and said to the Republicans, "These are our good memories of past accomplishments and we feel that they are worth continuing."? The answer is that the good memories that Liberals have are bad memories for Conservatives. The New Deal, Vietnam, The Great Society, The aftermath of the Civil Rights Movement and on and on. These are all failed policies that Liberals hold up as shining examples of successes. Republicans look at the assertion that these are triumphs and drop open their mouth in astonishment.

Let me take just one of those. Vietnam. Liberals are really proud of getting us out of Vietnam. The fall of Vietnam to the Communists was a big high for Liberals in this country. Conservatives cannot comprehend that. The Communists enslaved the Vietnamese people. They killed hundreds of thousands outright and then condemned the Vietnamese people to abject poverty. The Boat People ran from the collapse of the Vietnamese economy. The re-education camps were ever present. Why is that a good outcome? In the first song I played, They Call Me an American, the guy in the song makes the point that when you are not free, you cannot decide for yourself what your dreams are and pursue them. Yet Liberals seem good with the outcome of Vietnam. To Conservatives, this makes no sense. It's a denial of reality and we cannot figure it out.

And another thing. Failure, admitting failure and learning from failure is the only way to be the best. So far Liberals will not admit that failure has occurred.

In the song I just played, I'm Home, the woman makes her case and the guy admits she is right and moves on. We as a country have got to get to a point where the Left and the Right are defining terms in the same way. In that song, Instructions, the guy and his wife would not take the time to determine what their common frame of reference was. What gets me is that the guy is partially to blame because he refuses to explain why he is doing what he is doing, because he doesn't realize that he should have to. He has fallen into the same trap as the woman and does not admit it. In the song, Easy, the couple have realized that they have to constantly explain themselves to their spouse.

Until the Left and the Democratic Party admit they have failed and move on, nothing can be done. If you still feel that the government can achieve positive social change, I just have to say that you are in deep denial.


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