Master CraftsMon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST - Segment 2

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST
Segment 2

I went over to the Public Works Department on Friday to pick up some vest for a trash pickup project I was doing with my Kiwanis Club. Along the way, there was a group putting up American flags. I wondered what the event was. I soon found out. My friend and I ran into some of our military getting back from Iraq. I assume there had been announcements that the group was being rotated back to Brazos County. I had not heard about it.

I have found it kind of fascinating this last few weeks where the Democratic Party has finally adopted an anti-war policy. Or at least it looks that way. I can never tell what politicians will do nowadays, because even though you have them on tape saying one thing, they try to spin it another.

I surely do wish the Democrats would do that. I wish the Liberals in the Democratic Party would finally and completely come out and be proud to be associated with the idea of walking away from the war in Iraq. Right now, it seems like the politicians in the Democratic leadership cannot make up their mind as to what needs to be done. Their position appears to be, "Let's walk away from Iraq and see what happens... No, we don't have a plan to fight terrorism... We don't think the terrorists will fight us if we ignore them... Please, let's get back to domestic issues." Basically, to the people on the Right it looks like the Left has lost their collective minds, because the terrorists are not going to go away. The idea that the terrorists will pack it in if we leave Iraq is insane on its face.

Just as the Right has no alternatives to the Left's answers for social policy, the Left has no answer to foreign policy. The activists in the Democratic Party are convinced that the United States has overreached in the war on terror and we need to fail as a means of checking the rise of American imperialism.

If the Left were to simply debate the issues, then there could be some form of a compromise. I don't see that happening. The Left, particularly the anti-war Left, simply says that they hate George Bush and America is becoming Nazi Germany. None of those are policy statements. What do they want done? What policy should we adopt to protect us against terrorism from abroad? I don't know what the answer to those questions are. Until someone somewhere answers those questions coherently with policy proposals.


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