Master CraftsMon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST - Segment 6

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST
Segment 6

After a month, no one has gone out to my blog and left a message or comment. Most upsetting. I've been trying to get people to do that, but no luck.

I look at the last 50 years as Act I of a three act play. William F. Buckley started The National Review for a reason. He said, "To Stand Athwart History and Shout Stop!" The whole point of the Conservative Movement was to stop Liberalism from destroying America by installing a socialist state.

The Left has been stopped. The movement toward a socialist state has been stopped in the United States. From here on out, the government will be a smaller part of people's lives. The big problem we as a people confront is that there are WAY too many people who are used to the government taking care of them. Both the Left and the Right have got to come up with nongovernmental ways of solving social problems. I do not know whether the Left will be able to accept that government has failed to solve the social problems it has set out to solve. I've always found that fascinating that the Left can explain away government failure using a set of logic that is... too weird for me to understand. That's what Act II is going to be. I mean for the next few years the debate will be over what will replace all these massive failed government programs.

The third act centers on the question of "What is the role of government in a representative democracy in the 21st Century?" No one has answered that question. People on Left have an answer to that question, of course. Their answer: Government is ALWAYS the answer whatever the question.

The Right does not have an answer for that question. The Right has said what they do not want government doing, BUT they do not have a coherent idea of what the government SHOULD be doing. Without that clear statement of intent there cannot be a debate. And a debate is what we have got to have.

As I said earlier, the Depression of the 1930's overshadows everything we do today. Too many people look to government for answers, when government cannot provide the answer for much of anything. We know that to be true, yet we cannot help ourselves in asking the government to help.


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