Master CraftsMon

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST - Segment 5

Master CraftsMon - Aired Monday, December 19, 2005 at about 11pm CST
Segment 5

I am here at the station too much. On Fridays I am here from 8:30am until 7:30pm. Last friday. I went back and found the World Café VHS tape and cued it up for noon. Then I went through and chose the music for Morning Air and Open Air Live. I had found a CD with Australian Aboriginal music on Wednesday. I decided to use that on Open Air Live with Native American music. I couldn't find enough Native American music, so I just chose some weird national music, i.e. from Romania, Crete, Tibet, Afghanistan and Vietnam.

2pm came and I started Open Air Live. Toward the end of the Open Air Live I got this weird phone call from this guy from Crete. He was surprised that there WAS Cretan music. He wanted to come by and look at the album. I invited him. He wanted me to play something else from the album. I spent, God knows how many minutes, SPELLING the song titles. So the guy chooses one... Then my show ended and I had to move on without playing his song.

The guy from Crete showed up with his girlfriend. She is from... Romania. I was a little astonished by that. I chose two countries at random and got a guy from Crete dating a girl from Romania... They're both in Bryan, Texas. Doesn't that bother you a bit? It bothered me for some reason.

Anyway. The guy listens to a little of all the songs on the album from Crete album and says, "They're all so sad." I had no clue what he was talking about. So we put on the Romanian music and the girl says, "It's all gypsy music." She was bit upset by that. I had heard that the Romanians and the gypsies do not get on well. So the girl finds this Greek music album on the shelf and we play it. The guys says, "Ahhhh... it's worthless. Tourist version of the songs." So he says he will get me some REAL Cretan music. I wanted to drop my mouth on the floor, but I could not figure out how to say no. Then he says he's part of a local garage rock band. He gives me their CD. The girl wants to GO. She has somewhere she has to be. I give them a volunteer form for the station so THEY can be DJ's, subtext: Say, you don't like how I do it... Come do the job yourselves. I gave the guy my email address and told him that I needed the names of the songs on the album. He never has gotten back to me, so I have no idea what to do with his CD.

The point I am trying to make is that the world is an odd place. When I wrote my science fiction novel, Dark Prince, I had my main character, John Jones, run into co-incidence after co-incidence like the one above. It is my contention that you develop character, when things go wrong and you survive and deal with the situation. Our relentless drive to protect our children from pornography, violence and sexuality is not working. The way I wrote the book was to portray a person who has been victimized, but does not see himself as a victim. As it stands right now, our society exalts the victim. The victim is given saintly characteristics. People are encouraged to proclaim their victimhood.

It doesn't work. It's a stupid idea. If we say to our children that they have a right to avoid all pain, then where does that lead? Somewhere bad. Sooner or later we're going to have to come up with customs that strike a balance between building the character of our children so they can feel confident that they can handle any situation and safety. I'm going to have to think on that one. I'll get back to you.


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